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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Blog entry no.4: A special moment you enjoyed with your family

 "You cannot choose your family. They are god's gift to you, just as you are to them..."

Spend an ephemeral moment all by yourself. Ruminate about all the special moments in your life. Ponder about all the special love given to you. Cogitate about who celebrates with you in exultation during your triumph and who succours you when you are in a state of anguish. Probably the first word that comes into your mind is:

Family. My birthday happened last week. This made me realise the warmth and affinity of a family. With my family members congregated around the table to celebrate the presence of me, I felt a priceless feeling that is irreplacable by any amount of money. That is the bona fide meaning of family.

 Have you ever spent time with your family, to establish an intimate relationship with them? Have you ever contemplated about your unmindful acts or words to them? An event that happened last year made me realise the true significance of our families' gifts of love and the amount of reverence we should return to them. We should set great store by our family's transient time with us and not be penitent not cherishing the deficient time with them to get to know each other, to do what we did not in the past, to tell them we were compunctious to the solecism we displayed to them. We should therefore treasure the time we have with our family as before you know it, the time will be gone and your relationship with them will be shattered... or remembered.     

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